تحلیل و مقایسۀ دو منظومۀ ویس و رامین و خسرو و شیرین براساس الگوی کنشگری شخصیت‌ها

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 کارشناس ارشد زبان و ادبیات فارسی، دانشکدۀ ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه شهید باهنر کرمان، کرمان، ایران

2 استاد زبان و ادبیات فارسی، دانشکدۀ ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه شهید باهنر کرمان، کرمان، ایران.

3 دانشیار زبان و ادبیات فارسی، دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه شهید باهنر کرمان، کرمان، ایران.



در این پژوهش، دو داستان عاشقانۀ ویس و رامینِ فخرالدین اسعد گرگانی، تصحیح محمّد روشن و خسرو و شیرینِ نظامی، تصحیح وحید دستگردی، با تکیه بر الگوی کنشگری گریماس مورد تحلیل و مقایسه قرار گرفته‌است. این الگو، امکان گذر از روساخت مشابه و رسیدن به تفاوت­های ژرف­ساخت روایی دو منظومه را فراهم می ­آورد و به پرسش­های مرتبط با شباهت و تفاوت دو داستان، در چگونگی سامان­ دادن به رویدادها و تأثیر کنش اشخاص در پیشبرد طرح داستان پاسخ می­دهد. روش کار در این پژوهش، تقسیم متن به اجزای کمینۀ روایت سپس شناسایی، تحلیل و توصیف الگوی کنشگری در هریک از واحدهای متن است. نتایج حاصل از این بررسی نشان می­دهد که طرح کلی داستان ویس و رامین، ستیز عشق با قانون و سطوت شاهانه و سرانجام، پیروزی عشق را روایت می­کند؛ در حالی که داستان خسرو و شیرین، مبتنی است بر تضاد و سرانجام، سازش سطوت شاهانه با عرف و شرع. در منظومۀ نظامی فراوانی صحنه­پردازی­های زیبا و افزون بر متن چشمگیر است و تصادف و تقدیر، به­عنوان بازدارنده و یاریگر، نقشی کلیدی در شکل­ گیری و به­سرانجام­رسیدن طرح داستان ایفا می­کند؛ اما  در داستان ویس و رامین، کنشگران اصلی، اشخاص داستان هستند و پیشبرد طرح داستان در گرو کنش و انگیزه­های آنهاست. زنان داستان ویس و رامین، برخلاف منظومۀ نظامی، در مقام فاعل یا یاریگر و بازدارنده، نقشی مؤثرتر از مردان دارند و کنشگران فعالی هستند که برای رسیدن به خواست خود، به تناسب موقعیت و رخدادهای داستان و با توسل به چاره ­اندیشی­ های گوناگون وارد عمل می­شوند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

A comparative study of Veis and Ramin and Khosrow and Shirin base on the action pattern of the characters

نویسندگان [English]

  • Hadiseh Amirdust 1
  • Mohammad Sadegh Basiri 2
  • Najmeh Hosseini Sarvari 3
1 M.A. in Persian Language and Literature, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
2 Professor in Persian language and literature, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
3 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
چکیده [English]

This study compares the stories of Veis and Ramin and Khosrow and Shirin. The basis for this study is Greimas theory and the characters’ communication model, which assists the study to systematically identify the characters’ contributions in the events, and their motivations, demands and wills in the story’s incidents and actions. The essential grounds for this comparison is the transition from a similar superstructure to the Narrative infrastructure differentiation in two stories. The results of this study is an indication of the plot for Weis and Ramin which narrates the struggle of love with the law and the royal throne. Last but not least, the victory of love but the story of Khosrow and Shirin is based on the conflict and then the compromise of royal power with morality and religion. These are the most important differences between the two stories: In the story of Khosrow and Shirin, unexpected events and destiny play a greater role Creating beautiful scenes has no role in the plot. In the story of vis and Ramin, the plot has a logical order. The role and action of the characters is important in completing the plot, and women play a more important role in the story.
Veis and Ramin and Khosrow and Shirin are referred to as famous and prominent love stories in Persian literature. The Story of Veis and Ramin, the lasting work of Fakhroddin Asad Gogāni, is the third Persian Masnavi in terms of antiquity and the first Persian love poem that has survived to this day. This story is one of the most natural and influential stories of celebration and love in Dari Persian language, the subject of which distinguishes it from other ancient romance novels. 
Fakhr Al-din Asad's fame for the provision of the arrangement method in this story dates back to the fourth century, however, since the subject of this story was, in many cases, far from the moral standards of the Islamic environment of Iran at that time, the fame and popularity of Fakhreddin's story diminished after Nezami Ganjei's Poetic stories and the poets who imitated him.  Nezami is one of the most famous poets who imitated the weight and composition of Veis and Ramin in composing the element of Romance in Masnavi. There are many indications that Nezami, after reading the story of "Veis and Ramin", has thought of like those of composing love poems and perhaps Fakhreddin's work was his inspiration in selecting Khosrow and Shirin. Nezami's ability to compose festive stories has made him a role model for others and, according to some scholars, Khosrow and Shirin, the second Masnavi of Nezami's “Five Treasures”, is the best and most famous love story of his poems.
The connection between these two stories, the influence of Veis and Ramin on Nezami in composing the story of Khosrow and Shirin, and the similarity of these two stories in subject, nature, weight, and narrative characteristics, has made it possible to compare these two works. The purpose of this comparison is to identify the differences between the two stories, in terms of the impact of the characters’ actions in the plot and the events of the story. This comparison is based on Grimas's narrative theory and the action pattern of the characters and helps to identify the similarities and differences in the narrative structure of Persian love stories.
This research is based on the description and analysis of the text, and the action pattern of the characters in Grimas theory. The analysis method is based on dividing the text into the components of the sequence and then identifying, analyzing, and describing the action pattern in each sequence.
Results and Discussion:
Both the stories of Veis and Ramin and Khosrow and Shirin include a grand plot that narrates their love and struggle with rivals and deterrents, the constant joining and separation of two lovers, and finally overcoming all problems and the final and the creation of an eternal bond between the two lovers.
In the story of Veis and Ramin, Veis, Ramin and King Mubad are the main subjects in the story. The most important assistants for Veis and Ramin, are Veis himself, the old maid and, sometimes, the mothers of the two lovers. Furthermore, there exists some opposing powers like Power, custom and law, the Shah's mother and brother, and sometimes Veis's mother. The most powerful opponents of the two lovers are the power of the king, the law and custom of society, and then the king himself and the mutual love of Veis and, finally, Ramin is the most important obstacle for Shah Mubad to enjoy Veis's love.
In the story of Khosrow and Shirin, Khosrow and, sometimes, Shirin are the only subjects in the story, and it is only at the end of the story that "Shiruyeh" appears as another target. In this story, love is the main theme and at the beginning of the story, Shapur and the kingdom, are the motives for Khosrow's actions. Accident and destiny are the most important helpers and opponents of the characters in the story. Another opponent of the two lovers which abandons them from reaching each other is Khosrow's marriage to Maryam and Shirin's motivation to maintain chastity. Shirin's love for Khosrow is also the cause of Shiruyeh's failure.
The story of Veis and Ramin is the story of the victory of love over the law and the royal throne. This story has very few extra scenes and images, its plot is coherent and the events play an important role in complication, denouement, creating a crisis and bringing the story to an end.
The story of Khosrow and Shirin is the narration of the alliance and agreement of religious laws and social traditions with royal lust and domination. The plot of this story has very few events and there is no serious and effective tension and conflict in complication and denouement with the story and, finally, the characters are not threatened by a serious crisis. The story of Khosrow and Shirin includes a large number of beautiful but redundant scenes and images that make the story come to an end late. This story, Contrary to the story of “Veis and Ramin”, contains a large number of beautiful but redundant scenes and images that make the story end late.
In the story of Veis and Ramin, accident and destiny have no role in the story, except in the scene of Shah Mobad's death. The main actors in this story, are the characters and the formation of the plot depends on their actions and motivations. In this story, women have a more effective role than men as subjects or helpers and opponents; They are active actors, depending on the situation and events of the story, try different solutions to achieve their desires.
In the story of Nezami, Contrary to the story of Veis and Ramin, accident and destiny play an important role in creating and completing the plot; Accident and destiny are the most prominent assistants as well as opponents in the story and Shapur, except accident and destiny, is the only helper of the story. He, unlike the maid of Veis, is the only the executor of Khosrow's orders and his messenger.
In the story of Khosrow and Shirin, the number of characters, in all roles, is much less than the story of Fakhreddin Asad Gorgāni and, more importantly, the motives and actions of the characters in this story, unlike the story of Veis and Ramin, remain constant throughout the story. The story of Khosrow and Shirin is the Scene of action and superiority of the will of men, especially Khosrow, and Women in this story, unlike the story of Vis and Ramin, do not play an active role in the events of the story.
The results of this study confirm the validity of Forouzanfar and Mahjoub's opinion. They hold the idea that the story of Veis and Ramin has got a great influence is more beautiful and influential in terms of story structure and rules than Nezami's story and has had a great impact on the flow of Composing poetic stories in Persian literature.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • vis and Ramin
  • Khosrow and Shirin
  • Greimas theory
  • Activity pattern
  • Characters