تحلیل قصه‌های منتخب کودک براساس نظریه روایت‌مندی نیکولایوا

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


استادیار، گروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی، دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه شهرکرد، شهرکرد، ایران.


یکی از شیوةهای ایجاد ساختار مدرن در قصه­ها و داستان­های کودکان، استفاده از نظریة روایت و ابعاد مختلف آن است. نظریة روایت در ادبیات داستانی کودک و نوجوان کارکردهای مهمّ و متفاوتی دارد. اهمیت به‌کارگیری این نظریة در متون داستانی کودک، علاوه بر افزایش لذّت خوانش متن در مخاطب، به نویسندگان کمک می­کند تا اثری متفاوت و تا حدودی متناسب با گروه سنی مورد نظرشان خلق کنند. هدف پژوهش حاضر نقد و تحلیل قصه‌های منتخب کودک (100 قصه) براساس نظریة ماریا نیکولایوا از منتقدان ادبیات کودک است. روش تحقیق، توصیفی- تحلیلی و شیوه گردآوری اطلاعات به‌صورت مطالعه اسناد کتاب­خانه­ای است. استفاده از ابعاد روایت‌مندی (شروع و پایان­بندی مناسب، انتخاب کانون روایت مناسب، بازنمایی ذهنی شخصیّت­ها، زمانمندی و استفاده از تکنیک شکاف گویا) می­تواند در خلق قصه‌ها‌ی خلّاق و متناسب با گروه سنی کودک مؤثر و مفید باشد. نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که تعداد 30 قصه پایان باز و 70 قصه پایان بسته داشته­اند. سپید­نویسی نیز در 34 قصه، مورد توجّه نویسندگان قصه‌ها قرار گرفته است. شروع قصه‌ها نیز بیشتر شروعی خلّاقانه و مدرن بوده و تنها در 4 قصه شروع سنتی استفاده شده است. زاویة دید در قصه­های بررسی شده بیشتر سوم شخص استفاده شده که به نظر می رسد زاویة دید تلفیقی مناسب­تر بود. شخصیّت ­پردازی مستقیم با 85 مورد بیشترین کاربرد را داشته است؛ در حالی که امروزه نویسندگان تلاش می­کنند، شخصیت اثر خود را به صورت غیر مستقیم و در قالب کنش­ها و رفتارها به مخاطب نشان دهد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Analysis of Selected Children's Stories Based on Nikolayeva's Theory of Narrative

نویسنده [English]

  • Sajjad Najafi Behzadi
Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Shahr-e Kord University, Shahr-e Kord, Iran.
چکیده [English]

One of the addressed methods to create a modern structure in children's stories and tales is to use narrative theory and its various dimensions. Narrative theory has multiple pivotal functions in children and adolescent fiction literature. The importance of applying this theory in children's fiction texts, in addition to increasing the pleasure of reading the text in the audience, is to assist authors to create a work that is different and, to some extent, appropriate to their desired age group. The aim of the present study is to critique and select the highly addressed children's stories (100 stories) based on the theory of Maria Nikolayeva, who is one of the critics of children's literature. The research method is descriptive-analytical and the method of collecting information is in the form of studying library resources. Using narrative dimensions (e.g. proper beginning and ending, choosing the right narrative center, mental representation of characters, timing and using the narrative gap technique) can be influential and productive in creating creative stories appropriate for the child's age group. The results have indicated that there were 30 open-ended stories and 70 closed-ended stories. White writing has also been considered by story writers in 34 stories. The beginning of the stories is also a more creative and modern beginning and is used in only 4 traditional initial stories. Angle of view in most of the studied stories is the third person, which seems to be a more appropriate one. Direct characterization has been the most used with 85 items. However, writers today try to show the character of their work indirectly to the audience in the form of actions and behaviors.
Narrative theory has a predominant role in fiction literature for children and teenagers. The importance of applying this theory in children's fiction texts, added to increasing the pleasure of reading the text in the audience, assists the authors to create a distinctive and somewhat appropriate work for their target age group. The use of narrative theory in the analysis and formation of stories also has a great impact on the creativity of stories and attracting the audience. The main goal of this research is to analyze and examine the selected children's stories based on Nikolayeva's narrative theory. Using the theory of narration assists the story writers in creating a creative and modern story. Choosing a suitable and creative beginning of the story and avoiding stereotypes at the beginning of the stories, choosing a suitable and open ending for the stories, mental and appropriate representation of the characters in the story, using white writing technique or telling gaps in the stories for Audience participation is one of the most important methods and techniques of creative narration. Storytelling in its traditional form is a direct and indirect communication between the storyteller and the audience. When this magical connection is established, the power of imagination is activated and the listener steps into another world with the images that he creates in his mind with the help of the storyteller. The story uses new incidents and challenges. The conflicts of fictional forces make children face new challenges. Scientists consider education, myth-making and storytelling as a bridge that connects the mythical and imaginary world of children to the real world of adults. The story is the greatest means of the emergence of a pure conscience and good character in a child, and the stability of these traits in him depends on the degree of their influence and influence.
The research method in the present study is analytical-descriptive. "In the review and analysis of the work, data and tests are analyzed to discover the meaning" (Sarukhani, 2012). The method of collecting information is in the form of library documents.
Results and Discussion:
The ending of the stories is often accompanied by a moral conclusion and closure. An approximate number of 30 stories have open and creative endings. The characterization and introduction of the people in the story are not very prominent in the stories. The task of characterizing is more on the images. The point of view in most of the stories is in the third person. The technique of white writing or telling gap has not been used much in the investigated stories. The telling gap is an important trick for the active participation of the reader in the story, which is less paid attention to in the selected stories. In the reviewed works, there were recreated stories in which the author's hand was very open to create white writing and change the angle of view in them; but this opportunity was not used properly. The study of the reviewed stories shows that in the works of foreign writers, more of the white writing is observed and most of them have used white writing in their stories. In a nutshell, by investigating the endings of 100 stories of the age group of children, which were authored or translated in the publications of the Center for Intellectual Development of Children and Adolescents in the 1990s, 30 stories had open endings and the remaining 70 stories had closed endings. White writing in 34 stories has been noticed by the writers of stories. The beginning of the stories is mostly a creative and modern beginning and the traditional beginning is used only in 4 stories.
The observed narrative gap in the beginning and ending of stories is one of the most pivotal aspects of narration that can be influential in creating a new structure and creativity of stories. Writers can build up creative and attractive stories for the audience by giving importance to the above components. Less use of the expressive gap technique for the reader's active participation in the story and choosing a closed and cliché ending is one of the most important points to consider in the selected stories. In the studied works, due to the young age group of the audience and the small volume of stories, the authors did not pay much attention to characterization, however, there were works in which the author depicted the details of the characters. The study of the reviewed stories shows that we see more white writing in the works of foreign authors and most of them have observed white writing in their stories.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Story
  • Children
  • Adolescent
  • Narrative
  • Nikolayeva
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