بازتاب جلوه‌های پولیفونیک در رمان أفراح القبة نجیب محفوظ بر اساس نظریه باختین

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری، گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی، دانشکده الهیات و معارف اسلامی، دانشگاه حکیم سبزواری، سبزوار، ایران

2 دانشیار، گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی، دانشکده الهیات و معارف اسلامی، دانشگاه حکیم سبزواری، سبزوار، ایران.


اصطلاح «چند صدایی» ابتدا در موسیقی مطرح شد و پس ‌از آن توسط باختین در نیمة نخست قرن بیستم به عرصه‌هایی چون نقد و مطالعات ادبی و هنری راه یافت. عنصر اصلی فضای چندصدایی، منطق گفتگویی و فلسفه رمان­های چندصدایی، احترام گذاشتن به دیگری و رفتارها و نگرش­های اوست. هم­چنین به چالش کشیدن گفتمان­های غالب، تقویت تفکر انتقادی و پرورش برخورداری از نگاه­های متفاوت از زاویه­ها و با شکل­های مختلف به جهان و مسائل آن و مشارکت دادن خواننده در فرآیند تفسیر متن و کشف معنا نیز از دیگر اهداف چندصدایی است. نجیب محفوظ یکی از بزرگ‌ترین رمان­نویسان معاصر است که علاوه ­بر به­کارگیری شیوه‌های سنتی در عرصة رمان‌نویسی به روش­های جدید رمان‌نویسی نیز نظر داشته است. «چندآوایی» یکی از تکنیک‌هایی است که نجیب محفوظ از آن بهره برده و ازجمله رمان‌های وی که با بهره‌گیری از این روش به قلم درآمده، رمان أفراح القبة است. نگارندگان کوشیده ­اند با دقت در مؤلفه­ های «چندآوایی» باختین، رمان مذکور را مورد بررسی و تحلیل قرار داده و شیوه‌ها و عناصری که این اثر را گفتگومند و چندصدا می‌سازند، بیابند. برآیند مقاله حاکی از آن است که وجود مؤلفه‌هایی هم­چون تعدّد روایت­ها، تغییر ناگهانی زاویه دید، ساختار مفاهیم متقابل، چندآوایی در میان اقشار اجتماعی رمان، حضور شخصیت‌های متفاوت و متضاد در یک شخص و چند زبانی، دلیلی بر چندصدا بودن رمان أفراح القبة است. نویسنده از طریق پرداختن به دیگری و روایت‌هایی که هر شخصیت از شخصیت دیگر ارائه می‌دهد شناخت خواننده از شخصیت‌های داستانی رمان را افزون ساخته و او را از رویکرد انتقادی نویسنده نسبت به اوضاع جامعه آن روزگار آگاه‌تر می‌سازد. این اثر به دلیل پرداختن به موضوعی اجتماعی که در بردارندة مسائلی چون محرومیت، حاشیه ­نشینی و آسیب­دیدگان اجتماعی است کوششی برای به مرکز درآوردن دیگری است. تحول شخصیتی راویان نیز که خود در بطن حوادث قرار دارند، حاصل رویارویی آنان با دیگری است.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Reflecting Polyphonic Effects in Najib Mahfouz's Works Based on Bakhtin's Theory (A Case Study of Afrah Al-Quba's Novel)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Roghayyah Rastegar 1
  • Abbas Ganjali 2
  • Hossein Shamsabadi 2
  • Sayyeed Mahdi Nori Keyzeghani 2
1 PhD. student of Arabic language and literature, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran.
2 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran
چکیده [English]

Polyphony is a term coined by Bakhtin, inspired by music, and stands in contrast to monophony in the context of the novel. In pre-modern novels, the narrator served as the dominant voice throughout the text, often suppressing the characters' ability to express their own opinions. In the modern era, the complete dominance of the narrator diminishes, revealing a balance of power between the characters and the narrator in expressing their viewpoints. In the postmodern period, this balance evolves into the total independence of the characters within the text, allowing them to even defy the narrator or writer of the novel. In this manner, the text reflects the presence of diverse voices and illustrates the pluralistic nature of the postmodern space through these varied perspectives. The hypothesis of this article is to demonstrate the polyphony present in the work under discussion. In this context, elements such as intertextuality, narrative multiplicity, multilingualism, abrupt shifts in perspective, and underlying controversies support this assertion. The authors have endeavored to thoroughly analyze the polyphonic components as defined by Bakhtin, elucidating the term along with its examples and applications. They employ a reflective method, adopting a descriptive and interpretive approach to examine the content, as well as the methods and elements that convey the work's themes and nuances. The article suggests that elements such as the structure of mutual concepts, polyphony among the social strata of the novel, the presence of diverse and contrasting personalities within a single character, and multilingualism serve as evidence of the polyphony in the novel "Afrah al-Quba. the narrator's role as a hidden third-person voice, the continuous dialogue and conflict between internal and external voices, and the narrator's refusal to declare the superiority of any single voice contribute to the novel's multi-voiced nature, making it evident to the reader.
The term "polyphony" was initially introduced in music and later extended to fields such as criticism, as well as literary and artistic studies, by Bakhtin.
From Bakhtin's perspective, the concept of the novel exemplifies the genre's maturity. Beyond its straightforward and commonly understood definition, "polyphony" refers to the plurality of voices that reflect muffled or marginalized perspectives. More precisely, the interplay of diverse structures within a landscape of various discourses.
Naguib Mahfouz is regarded as one of the greatest contemporary novelists. In addition to employing traditional techniques in novel writing, he also explored innovative approaches. One of his novels that exemplifies the "polyphonic" method is which features characteristics such as fragmented dialogue and linguistic diversity.
This research aims to address the following questions: 1. How and with what components does "polyphony" manifest in the text? 2. In what ways does "polyphony" enhance the interpretive dimensions of the text?
About "Polyphony" in the novel, numerous studies have been conducted in contemporary Arabic and Persian literature. Afrah al-Quba's novel is unique, and this distinctiveness may explain why it has not been extensively researched or discussed in either Persian or Arabic.
In this research, which employs a descriptive and analytical method, the term "polyphony" is first explained from Bakhtin's perspective, and its contrast with "monophony" is described. Following this, after a brief introduction of the author and the novel, the analysis of the characteristics and examples of "polyphony" within the novel is presented. In the analysis of the components, in addition to Bakhtin's views, the insights of post-Bakhtin researchers who have sought to clarify his ideas are also included. The evidence cited in this article relies on the translation of the novel Afrah al-Quba, The Joys of the Dome, by Mohammad Saeed Dahimi Nejad in 1400 and published by Setak Publishing House.
Results and Discussion:
The existence of a circle of narrators, the shifts in time and place, the open ending, the exploration of social issues, and the setting of events in the outskirts of the city contribute to the conversational and polyphonic nature of Afrah Al-Quba's novel. Examples that illustrate the of the novel include the following:
Sudden Change in Perspective
One of the heresies embraced by modern and postmodern novelists to enhance the subjective aspect of their works is the alteration of narrative perspective within a single novel. This shift in viewpoint was not present in realist novels; however, it is employed in modern literature to suggest that there is no ultimate truth. The various perspectives offered by different narrators within a single novel enable readers to comprehend events and understand characters, allowing them to perceive the fictional world from multiple angles.
Afrah al-Quba's novel is narrated from various perspectives, including an omniscient narrator, the hero's viewpoint, inner monologues, and self-narratives. These perspectives blend seamlessly without clear boundaries. This shift in narrative angles is executed subtly and artistically, allowing the reader to overlook the changes in pronouns and identifiers at first.
The presence of diverse and contrasting personalities within a single individual (multiple personality disorder).
In polyphonic novels, we often encounter neurotic and paranoid characters who exhibit multiple faces or masks.
The main character of this novel, Tariq Ramadan, possesses a multidimensional personality. At times, he finds himself in a constant struggle with his mental demons, and he exhibits a troubled disposition that seeks to project his inner turmoil onto those around him.
The dialogue between the characters in the story and the narrator generates a range of opinions, often conflicting. By allowing for diverse perspectives to be expressed, it dismantles monophonic dominance and fosters a polyphonic space within the text.
Polyphony and the Structure of Reciprocal Concepts
One of the essential conditions for creating polyphony is the presence and interplay of contrasting concepts within the work.
In Afrah al-Quba's novel, we encounter contrasting themes such as loyalty and betrayal, love and hatred, and popularity and unpopularity. These dualities persist throughout the narrative, remaining prominent in every part of the story. As a result, we are presented with a variety of distinct and conflicting perspectives.
Polyphony Among Social Strata
Elsewhere in this novel, the intellectual disparities among various segments of society are conveyed in a distinct manner. In one scene, without any dialogue between the two groups, the intellectual conflict between them is unveiled through a series of encounters and positions.
In the novel at least three types of language can be observed: the author's language, the narrator's language, and the language of various characters. Afrah al-Quba's novel employs the technique of narration is presented in four chapters, each revolving around a single story told from different perspectives. At times, this narration is detailed, while at other times, it is partial and brief.
Hidden Controversy
Hidden controversy is a form of discourse characterized by the implicit presence of another individual; it refers to speech that is shaped in response to another person's words. In the novel hidden controversy manifests in various ways. Its most apparent expression can be observed in the conversations Tariq Ramadan engages in during the first chapter. Through whispers and internal monologues, Tariq not only reveals his own hidden conflicts but also brings forth the voices of others.
In this article, we examine the concept of "polyphony" in Afrah Al-Quba's novel and present significant findings. The novel, characterized as a space for contemplation. Neither the author's voice nor the characters' voices dominate the narrative. In the first chapter, the narrator is a specific individual, namely "Tariq Ramadan"; however, by the end of the chapter, we encounter a multitude of narrators. This novel showcases both contradictions and variations in voices. Elements such as the structure of interrelated concepts, the polyphony among social classes, the presence of diverse and contradictory traits within a single character, and the use of multiple languages all serve as evidence of the text's polyphonic nature. Furthermore, the narrator assumes the role of a hidden figure (third person), and the continuous internal and external dialogues, along with the conflict of opposing voices, contribute to the novel's polyphonic quality for the reader. The interpretability of the text, the absence of ideological dominance, and the lack of a singular perspective, along with the author's refusal to impose a uniform narrative image, are some of the notable features of this work.
By focusing on the lower classes of society as the main characters in the novel, the author effectively creates a contrast between the upper and lower social classes, thereby emphasizing the experiences of the lower classes. Additionally, he enhances the reader's understanding of the fictional characters through the narratives each character shares about one another, increasing awareness of the author's critical perspective on the society of that era.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Bakhtin
  • polyphonic effects
  • polyphonic
  • Afrah al-Quba's novel
  • Naguib Mahfouz
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