Setting the atmosphere of ahle-Gharq novel by relying on signs of tradition and modernity

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in the Persian language literature, Doroud unit, Islamic Azad university, Doroud, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of persian literature group, Doroud unit, Islamic Azad university Doroud, Iran.(author)

3 Assistant Professor, Department of persian literature group, Doroud unit, Islamic Azad university, Doroud, Iran

4 Islamic Azad University Doroud Branch


The presence of modernity in Iran and loss of indigenous traditions is one of the factors in the formation of climate literature. “ahle-Gharq” novel is one of the climate novels related to southern written that “Maniro Ravanipour” by publishing it, seeks to preserves the traditions and native values of her hometown “Jafreh”. “Jafreh” is a symbol of that time in Iran. “Ahle-Gharq” novel is written in the style of magical realism The results show that the author in the whole story, created three kinds of special spaces. First, the atmosphere that is relate. Second, the atmosphere that was created with the entrance of modernity, and third the space that is created in the confrontation between tradition and modernity. The author in traditional period, by exaggerating the beliefs of superstitious characters gives the story a haunted and scary atmosphere. At the same time, the atmosphere governing the relations between the people of the village is very clean and friendly. During the arrival of modernity in the village, first, there is a humorous atmosphere but after that, the dark, unethical and unsafe atmosphere will rule. And in the period of confrontation between tradition and modernity again in the magical realism way, a revolutionary and fighting atmosphere is observed which is the result of cultural, social and political awakening of the people.


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