Analyzing the Meta-narrative Aspects of the novel al-Farashett al-Zarqa by Rabi Jaber

Document Type : Original Article



Meta-narrative, as one of the most common types of postmodernist stories, is a technique in which the narrator, during the story, refers to the storytelling process and the narrative of the story; the writer came to the arena of the story of the reader to make him aware of its unreality. Rabi Ja'ber is a writer, novelist and journalist of Lebanese contemporary writers who has a postmodernist approach in some of his novels, and he tries to move his writings towards meta-narrative with the various techniques. The author of this research, has studied the subject of meta-narrative in the novel al-Farashett al-Zarqa due to the descriptive-analytical method. The researcher first studied the process of formation of postmodernism and provided the definitions of meta-narrative based on the viewpoints of the critics as well as a brief biography of Rabi Jaber. Furthermore, the researcher has examined Rabi Jaber’s ways to create meta-narrative in the novel. The research suggests that Rabi Jaber has used the methods such as "the explicit reference to the storyteller", "addressing the audience," "description," "the presence of real historical figures in the story," "the merging of imagination and reality," and " providing information about the book and its author "can provoke the unreality of his novel to the readers, and he thoroughly defends the creation of a meta-narrative story.


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