The Narrative of the Story of Bacheh Mardom by Jalal al-Ahmad

Document Type : Original Article



Narrative is one of the methods of text analysis that can bring the latent meaning of text. The study of literary texts in this perspective gives the reader a new sense. Applying the other theories of the narrators, Gérard Genette, a French theorist, presented his narrative analysis theory that was considered. In the present study, the story of Jalal al-Ahmad's Bacheh Mardom was analyzed by the perspective of Genette’s narrative. The most important results obtained from this study are the narrator's invalidity. The narrator of in this story tells the story as he wants to reduce the depth of the disaster a bit. Another issue is the poly phony of text. The author contributed to the poly phony of the story, with a lack of sympathy with the narrator, and the possibility of controversy. Time and place are also generally discussed in this story, suggesting that the event that has emerged can be repeated in all times and places. The writer makes this reader think about the subject of story.


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