The Stylistics Analysis of the Novel The Symphony of the Dead

Document Type : Original Article



Style, when it comes to meaning, is that the repetition and continuity of the figurative and content elements appear in the body of the text and the style components have a high frequency. The well-known systematic mind in the novels of the Symphony of the Dead is a new perception of the ancient Abel and Cain story that presents a surrealist style, a symphonic analysis of the social, political, and historical role of Iranian intellectuals, the relationship between women and society, and how they are degraded. The purpose of this article is to examine the style of this famous and accepted novel. The main questions of this research are: What are the elements and linguistic possibilities of the composer's novel in the Symphony of the Dead? How is the link between language and content in this novel manifested? What are the prominent elements of style in this novel? How is the author's ideology raised in this novel? What are the meanings and axioms of the novel? The answers to these questions are examined in three main axes: linguistic and rhetorical elements, narration and point of view, and ideology and content. Due to the linguistic elements, the choice of the word and the syntax of the sentences are two features of the style of the novels of the Symphony of the Dead. The frequency of the symbolism and surrealistic descriptions is one of the most prominent features of the novel. Stream of consciousness is a prominent narrative technique of the novel, and the high frequency of point of view is significant. Regarding the content and ideology of the novel, the death and destruction of the central nucleus of the novel form a novel, surrounded by other semantic layers such as jealousy, greed, oppression, prejudice, tyranny, etc.


Main Subjects

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