The Study of Novel, the Suspended Bridge by Mohammad Reza Bayrami based on the theory of Greimas

Document Type : Original Article



The novel Suspended Bridge by Mohammad Reza Bayrami is one of the most successful works in the field of fictional literature (holy defense), which is worthy of attention. The structural analysis and the study of the morphology of this work provides the structural model that is one of the research needs in the field of sustainability literature. Considering the correlation between the features of this novel and the views of Greimas, this essay has studied the narrative structure according to the theorist's view. The present study shows that: 1. Although Greimas 's narrative model is suitable for folklore, it is useful in analyzing the novel Suspended Bridge. 2. Modern stories, although they are different in content, but are partly based on a common structure, with the difference that new storytelling tricks help them become more attractive. 3. According to what Greimas has proposed about the six actors, in this work the main personality of the story (Nader) is both the hero and the subject of the story, as well as the receiver or receiver. 4. The kind of struggle that takes place in the story of the "Suspended Bridge" is both a mental and physical struggle, but the mental struggle is more pronounced. As a result of this feature, the six actors of the Greimas’s pattern are four actors, subjective and abstract. In general, the novel on the initial stage of a balanced state leads to an unbalanced situation and ultimately leads to a balanced state and the story has a state of equilibrium, prohibition, violation, and punishment.


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