The Study of Validity Structure of The Little Prince from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry According to Gérard Genette’s Theory

Document Type : Original Article



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1990-1994), writer of The Little Prince is one the world's most famous writers in the fictional literature, who published a masterpiece called Little Prince in 1943. Little prince's story is based on the real incident that occurred in the sandy desert of Mauritania for Saint-Exupéry, and it includes a collection of notes that Saint-Exupéry has left behind in his experiences and thoughts of his life. The methodology is based on Genette’s narratives theory. Narrative is the sequence of events in the center of time. In the narrative, the distinction is between what actually happened (the narrative content) and how it translated what happened (narrative form). The narrator is the main character of the story, and according to Genette, the narrative quality is identical in the narrative world, because the is on the narrator's personality. The narrative is in the form of "coherence". The entire knowledgeable narrator is aware of the ideas hold in the story. Each story is expressed through one or more narrators, which, according to Gerard Genette, can be interpreted in the terms of narration and the sequence of events in the order of time, continuity, and frequency. The story of Little Prince is the order and sequence or the dimension of the time back and forth that has an aesthetic and artistic side, and the painting event has the highest frequency, and the stability of the dynamics or the speed of the story has a positive momentum and, in some cases, a negative momentum. The main characters of the story are the pilot and the little prince whose events are viewed from the perspective of the first person and the events from the perspective of the narrator. The Little Prince's story is an allegory story, composed of pyrotechnic stones from the crustal and decaying layers.


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