The Study of the Demands of Women in the Works of Female Writers from the Constitutional Revolution Until the Islamic Revolution

Document Type : Original Article



Criticizing and reviewing the woman's image in the contemporary Iranian literature and providing the female beliefs toward women led to the study of the history of contemporary fictional literature from the Constitutional Revolution to the Islamic one, to recognizie the role of fiction women in increasing the fictional writings. After careful examination, it turned out that despite the many limitations that initially left the space for women's literary creation, there were effects that, although lacking in literary value, were important for the presence of Iranian women in the field of fiction. In this essay, the author has tried to address such issues as: Is there any relationship between an important historical event such as a constitutional revolution with women's fiction, or that women storytellers after entering the arena of the writing of their own subjects, desires and How they pursued their demands, or how much they were successful in showing their expectations and how much their lives and their status reflected in their stories. At the end of the day, the researcher found that women's storytellers, in the course of the aforementioned period, wrote over their concerns with a sense of justice and liberty, revealing their abyss and questions and their unfortunate hatred and spontaneous storytelling for breathing, limb, and lifting.


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