The Antagonistic study of Several Works of Ancient, Persian Literature

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member Azad university

2 coach Islamic Azad University of Arak

3 Master of Persian literature Azad University of Arak


In this research, three fictional works of ancient Persian texts , Baznameh, Rabaie's Story and Hassanak Vazir have been attempted in terms of the type of "antagonist" personality and their status. Since there is no protagonist, both ordinary and anti-hero, in void and loneliness, without contact with people and the world around him; the confrontation of the main characters with the world around them and their opponents (antagonists) is to expand and continue the events and the clashes form the final stages of play and story and it draws the attention of the reader. This is the confrontational character that gives the reader the possibility of better understanding of them throughout the story. The absence of antagonists and anti-histologists can not be understood as a champion and can not be fully understood. In this regard, we examine the antagonists (antiheroes) of the antagonists, the antagonists, and the related protagonists in the three stories which were mentioned above. We have reviewed the anti-heroic reactions in the past.


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