Study of the Narrative Structure of Farhad's Body Novel Written by Abbas Maroufi in the Light of Stream Of Consciousness

Document Type : Original Article


One of the modern methods of narration is stream of consciousness. In this type of narration, a writer tends to get himself lost, but it seems that the main part of the event would take place at the time when the reader would read the story and he attends in the mind of the characters. Regarding some theorists, the novel "Farhad's Body" by Abbas Maroufi is based on stream of consciousness. This paper aims to recognize the characteristics of Persian contemporary novels supposing the narrative structure of the novel "Farhad's Body" due to the stream of consciousness style. It tries to answer some of the basic questions in the descriptive-analytical method, for example; can the novel can be definitely classified among the works of stream of consciousness? The results of this study suggest that the author of the novel, has used monologue, in order to expresses a different representation of the ethereal woman in "The Blind Owl" Sadegh Hedayat. Here are some of various features of stream of consciousness such as: internal point of view, types of monologues, association, illusion, time jumps, the dominance of mind and illusive atmosphere and so on makes this novel close to works of stream of consciousness.
