The Study of Ancient Greek Tragedy and Modern Tragedy in Hegel’s View

Document Type : Original Article


 This article has tried to examine the ancient Greek tragedy and modern tragedy due to various ideas of Hegel regarding to art and aesthetics. Hegel believed in the ancient Greek tragedy as a drama in which there is a conflict of two issues that are morally acceptable, but at the end of tragedy, the conflict will be solved. So- in accordance to writer’s assumption- on the one hand, we should find trace of classical art’s characteristics in Greek tragedy and on the other hand, the characteristics of romantic art due to the principles of Hegel,in order to separate them into the history of art. it is expected that the romantic art which is recent than classical one, be more complete and superior form of art and so modern tragedy which is recent than ancient one, be more complete and superior form of tragedy. While in Hegel’s view, this is ancient tragedy that have more consistent with the principle of tragedy - or tragedy in general. This essay tries to examine the ancient Greek tragedy and modern tragedy due to Hegel’s ideas, in order to answer the illusion.
