A Comparative Study of Women’s Position in Sovashoun and Shouhar-e Aahou-Khanom

Document Type : Original Article


In the Iranian literature there are many inverted images of women, while the dominant Iranian fiction is typically often the story of a male character. However, in a majority of the Iranian stroies it is often a woman who causes the events to take place. Due to the historical dominance of a patriarchal culture in Iran, our female character is describes but unrealistically, while her image more often than not lacks the womanly experience. However, whenever the women in Iran have found a suitable occasion, they have taken use of literature for the representation of the oppression historically imposed on their gender. Soovashon and Shouhar-e Ahou-Khanom are 2 novels respectively by Simin Daneshvar and Ali-mohammad Afghani. In the former, Daneshvar represents her womanly experiences about the female characters, while in the latter Afghani illustrates his manly outlooks about the males. Through an examination of the position of the female characters in these works of fiction (as representations of the Iranian woman), one can provide an outline of the developments in the women's status in Iran in the last 100 years.  To unravel the main demands of our women in the present times, the present article takes it to provide a comparative analysis of these novels in their dealings with the historical development of the women's position in Iran. 
