Survey of the “Order”, “Continuity” and “Frequency” as Time Elements in The Novel of Fereidon The Son of Faranak (Due to The Theory of Gerard Genette)

Document Type : Original Article


Nowdays, regarding the variety, aspects and movements, as a scientific method of study, the study of structural methods of narration of literarily works have been considered very much by literary intellectuals and researchers. Here the time elements of morphology, have been considered as a branch of literary criticism, according to the Gerard Genette’s theory and in the view of order, continuity and frequency in the story of Fereidon, the son of Faranak by Alireza Iranmehr has been studied, the story that has been originated of the story of Fereidon and his sons in the Ferdowsi’s Shahname. It is why the time element of narration of novel has been considered among, so by using descriptive-analytic method, the essay tries to reveal the role of time in the generation of story’s narration and relation between text and reader. The survey of above novel shows that the narration in this novel is based upon the style of breaking of time and non-coherent crossings and that its form of narration is circular and it finally shows that the end of story is directly related to its beginning.
