The Position of Discourse Analysis Based on Resistance Women in the Dakhil Eshgh Based on Van Dijk's Ideological Square Theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Critical discourse analysis in text review employs both social and linguistic approaches, transcending the levels of sentences and words while considering the situational context in which the text is created. From a social perspective, discourse is defined as a situational context, whereas the linguistic approach focuses on the textual context. The novel Dakhil Eshgh, which references Imam Reza during the socio-cultural transformations following the imposed war, articulates the discourse of women's resistance. The aim of this article is to decode the hidden semantic layers within the critical discourse of the novel by utilizing the components of Van Dijk's ideological square. In the present research, the text of the novel Dakhil Eshgh, which embodies the ideology of resistance and features circular discourse structures, was extracted and analyzed using a qualitative method. This study addresses the question: How is the discourse of resistance employed in the novel Dakhil Eshgh, with a focus on Van Dijk's ideological square? The findings indicate that all language choices at various levels align with the author's objectives and the promotion of religious ideology and values. The use of linguistic strategies—such as selecting valuable, emotional words, employing repetition, and expressing intellectual foundations, mental imagery, and emphasis—are the most prevalent techniques for representing the self and the other in the aforementioned novel.
Language serves as a fundamental generator of the social world, shaping both individual and collective identities. Consequently, novelists have employed language as a powerful tool to convey their ideologies to the minds and thoughts of their readers. The novel represents a diverse collection of social discourses and individual voices that are artistically organized. Within the novel, the process of understanding one's own language is realized through the lens of comprehending another's language. (Bakhtin, 2015, p. 351)
The novel, regarded as the most significant literary form in the world today, enhances our understanding of the world in which we live.
The critical discourse analysis approach is the most precise linguistic tool for articulating the discursive ideology of the narrative.
The issues of colonialism, war, and post-war challenges in Iran are fundamental themes that writers have explored in their fictional works. discourse analysis" is a method for uncovering the underlying ideas within literary texts, which can be examined through linguistic components. Consequently, conducting research using this approach is crucial for analyzing the various aspects of Iranian resistance throughout different historical periods, particularly in the novel "Dakheel Eshgh.
The socio-cognitive ideology that underpins this novel serves as a roadmap for emphasizing and appreciating the role of resistance in reforming society.
Considering that discourse analysis is a research method within the humanities, that reveals how political, cultural, social, and historical conditions, as well as language use, meaning, and structures, influence texts. Additionally, Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis is a significant and effective approach for examining both literary and non-literary texts, playing a crucial role in uncovering the deeper layers of meaning within them. Therefore, research in this field is of great importance, as it can explore the social dynamics and power relations that are often concealed in the novel the contemporary discourse prevalent in the Western world, characterized by a hegemonic and self-serving perspective on the East—particularly the Middle East—the need to address and challenge the discourse of resistance becomes increasingly apparent. This necessity is underscored by the impact and cultural construction of literature that emphasizes sustainability and resistance.
Writers in the literary genre of resistance have consistently utilized language to emphasize their political attitudes, beliefs, and ideas within a contemporary literary framework. Their goal is to enhance the impact of the sentences presented in the text while accurately portraying the authentic relationship between the text and its external contexts for the audience. This study employs a qualitative method to collect research data. The text of the book which reflects the ideology of resistance and features discursive structures, was extracted and analyzed using Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis framework across five axes. The unit of analysis is the sentence; therefore, the sentences and paragraphs of the book were thoroughly evaluated.
The fictional literature of the Holy Defense encompasses epics conveyed through the mediums of writing, expression, and art across various literary genres, leaving a lasting impact on our literary heritage. Discourse analysis, a research method within the humanities, reveals how political, cultural, social, and historical contexts, as well as language use, meaning, and structures, influence texts. Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis offers a significant and effective approach for examining both literary and non-literary texts, enabling a deeper understanding of their underlying layers. Consequently, research in this area holds considerable importance. This article aims to examine and analyze the book of the literary genre of resistance and resilience, utilizing Van Dijk's discourse analysis model (social-cognitive approach). This text represents a distinct discourse surrounding warriors, veterans, self-sacrificing women, and the preservation of values, thereby elucidating the relationship between discourse-oriented structures.
In the present study, a qualitative method was employed to collect research data. The text of the book which reflects an ideology of resistance and features discourse-oriented structures, was extracted and analyzed using Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis framework across five axes. The unit of analysis is the sentence; therefore, the sentences and paragraphs of the book were evaluated.
This research is descriptive-analytical in terms of its purpose. in order to collect research data; The text of the book Dakhil Eshgh, which reflected the ideology of resistance and had discourse-oriented structures, was extracted and analyzed using Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis framework in 5 axes. The unit of analysis is the sentence; For this reason, the sentences and paragraphs of the book have been evaluated.
Results and Discussion:
The book Dakhil Eshgh is one of the valuable examples of the literary type of resistance and stability. A text that represents a special discourse about warriors, veterans, self-sacrificing women and protecting values. Sabourah's character in this novel, by upholding the values of the holy defense period, has a prominent role in transferring it to today's generation. Every ideology in its structure feeds on assumptions and value systems that are institutionalized in an individual or a group. In order to produce the ideological discourse of resistance, the author tries to emphasize the status of veterans and strengthen the effective role of self-sacrificing women in the defense of religious values and sacred defense in the said novel by choosing appropriate words and frequent illustrations.
The female character in this novel successfully reproduces a discourse of resistance intertwined with the values of sacred defense, linking it to her religious identity. She emphasizes the self-made identity of a devout Muslim through the use of vivid mental imagery. By reflecting on her thoughts about religion and employing a discourse rooted in the authentic culture of Islam and the teachings of the Imams of Athar (peace be upon them), she devises a strategy that effectively highlights the values of sacrifice, perseverance, and resilience.
The verbal strategy of authenticity, which demonstrates the author's commitment to his claims, can be central to the preservation of national and religious values.
The analysis of linguistic constructions revealed that the terminology used in the dominant discourse, as well as the verb forms in this news discourse, are expressed with resistance, originating from a position of patience and stability.
By utilizing the evidence component to illustrate the spiritual atmosphere of Imam Reza's shrine, the author emphasizes the dichotomy between the "insider" and the in the confrontation between the Iranian activist and the identity of the who claim to be incompatible with the ideals of resistance and do not adhere to ethical standards.
In general, the language of this book is literary yet accessible to readers. The style of expression and tone are firm, alert, and honest. Basiri vividly describes the scenes of Imam Reza's shrine and captures the tender, feminine emotions of the main character. These images enable the reader to gain a profound understanding of the author's ideology, which emphasizes the importance of defending Iranian-Islamic values from an insider's perspective.


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