Image schemas in Zakaria Tamer’s short story collection (Sahil al-Javad al-Abyad case study)

Document Type : Original Article


1 , Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran. Responsible author

2 Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran


Image schemas are the most salient topics in semantic-based linguistic-cognitive approach. Zakaria Tamer is a contemporary Syrian writer who has taken advantage of cognitive mechanisms in his stories. Image schemas are an efficient semantic tool for understanding the story themes of this author. The application of image schemas has established a special literary style for Tamer. Intelligently using this cognitive tool in his stories, he simply conveys his desired meanings and concepts. A descriptive-analytical, this research investigated and analyzed image schemas based on Evans and Green's (2006) schemas model in one of this author's short stories. The data analysis indicates that Tamer has exploited all types of image schemas in expressing the themes of the story, among which three schemas (container- path- force) have played the most important role in conceptualization. The contribution of existence, unity and spatial schemas to conceptualization is at moderate. The schema of consistency and balance are the least used.


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