Analyzing the female character in the novel ‎‏"‏The Year of Riot‏"‏‎ based ‎on the theory of "Ancient and Modern Woman Myth" by Esther ‎Harding

Document Type : Original Article



2 Department of Persian Language and Literature graduate PNU Tehran


Archetypes and elements of nature are an integral part of the human ‎world that can be examined and studied in all human angles. Mary Esther ‎Harding is one of the contemporary theorists who has paid attention to ‎archetypes and their connection with ancient and modern mythology, and ‎has paid attention to it with the approach of ancient and modern women. ‎In his theory, he considers the deep connection and connection of women ‎with nature, especially with the moon and the sun, and considers the main ‎reason for women's behavior in opposition to society, as well as women's ‎fertility in the movements of the moon and the elements of the earth. ‎Since the female protagonist of the story “The Year of Riot " is described ‎by the author as inspired by the elements of nature such as soil, trees and ‎water, as well as ancient myths and legends, so the researcher of the ‎female character of this novel is based on archetypal psychological ‎foundations and with a theoretical approach. Harding and analyzed in an ‎analytical-descriptive and library manner and at the end came to the ‎conclusion that the female protagonist of the story took refuge in nature, ‎garden, tree and soil in order to reach the exaltation of her soul, which ‎was left behind from the origin of her existence. This connection with ‎nature and especially the soil has led to the awareness of women.‎


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