The Features of the Concept of Time in Game Rules Based on Gerard Genette’s Theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 M.A. in Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.



The present article is devised on the basis of a descriptive-analytical procedure and is based on the theory of Genette, with the aim of identifying the types of time lapses in the narrative and the cause for their use in the novel; “Game Rules.” Furthermore, it is to examine different forms of acceleration and frequency and their impact on the process and attractiveness of the aforementioned novel. The content of the novel is the rule of the psychoanalytical and philosophical game. Zonouzi has set up a well-considered structure for better transmission of this content. In the concept of order, the findings indicate that a high percentage of the text has anachronism of lapse in past time. By objective correlative, the narrator breaks the timeline and expresses his mistakes in past. These past tendencies have created suspense of the work. The narrator's internal monologue and expression of ideologies have created negative momentum; but considering that Zonouzi's goal is to deal with the character's story, its acceleration is completely appropriate and natural. The highest frequencies are dedicated to the repeated ones. By doing this, he has caused a better transfer of confusion, psychosis and narrator's complexes and recounts the effect of those events on the narrator's psyche. In this work, there is, not only no inconsistency among the components of Genette’s theory, but also an effective connection and interaction among the components. The techniques used in the narration of this work are appropriate, and the structural study of this novel has led to the understanding of its complexities.
The current research is written utilizing a descriptive-analytical way and based on the theory of Gérard Genet. It carries the aim of identifying the types of time distortions of the narrative and the reason for their use in the Game Rule novel, examining the types of acceleration and frequency and their effect on the process and attractiveness of the mentioned novel. The content of the novel is the psychoanalytical and philosophical. Zonouzi Jalali has set up a well-considered structure for better transmission of this content.
The novel Game Rule by Firoz Zanouzi Jalali has focused on the collection of library and documentary materials and has been analyzed using descriptive-analytical method based on the theory of Gérard Genet. First, Gerard Genet's theory is described and, then, the components of Gérard Genet's theory in the novel Game Rule are analyzed and the results of this analysis are stated at the end.
Results and Discussion:
In terms of the concept of order, the findings indicate that a high percentage of the text has anachronisme of past time lapses. By objective correlative, the narrator breaks the timeline and expresses his mistakes in the past. These past tendencies have created suspense and attraction of the work. The narrator's internal monologue and expression of ideologies have created negative momentum. However, by considering that Zonouzi's goal is to deal with the character's story, its acceleration is completely appropriate and natural. The highest frequencies are dedicated to the repeated ones. By doing this, he has caused a better transfer of confusion, psychosis, and narrator's complexes and recounts the effect of those events on the narrator's psyche. In this work, not only is there no inconsistency among the components of Genette’s theory, but these components have an effective connection and interaction with each other. The techniques used in the narration of this work are completely appropriate and well-informed, and the structural study of this novel has led to the understanding of its complexities.
The order of narration in the novel Game Rule is non-linear. This is due ot the fact that the novel is psychoanalytical and the narrator is suffering from some kind of psychosis and turmoil and narrates all his thoughts, feelings, and memories many times in a scattered and incoherent manner.
The main and secondary nodes of the narrative are preserved until the end with the help of time travel. At the beginning of the novel, the author creates the main knot of finding "Hi". The reader cannot solve this knot because his information is still incomplete. By the assistance of the time lapse, the author deals with slices of the judge's life, and the reader gradually gets to know his personality, and the knot that was created at the beginning of the story is opened. Therefore, the existence of these time distortions is necessary for tying and untying, and the author has managed the shifts and time games well.
In this novel, elimination has many manifestations and the narrator expresses only a few memories of his forty-two years of life in the form of a short narrative. Zonouzi increased the speed of the narrative by using the selection of prominent events and the use of the narrator's frequency. Howver, by expressing ideologies, anachronisms and repeated frequency, he has lowered the speed of the narration.
Most of the acceleration of the text is negative. The reason for that is the use of monologues, the expression of ideology and the referee's mental struggles. The narrator annoys the impatient reader by expressing philosophies and mental struggles. However, since the Game Rule is a psychological and mental novel, the presence of negative momentum in this novel is natural and even necessary; In such a way that philosophies and ideologies serve to create the referee's mental conflicts, and these conflicts create the personality of the novel.
Continuity is related to other categories of Genet's theory. By creating complexity in understanding the text, the time returns slow down the narration. Repeating frequently causes negative speed and leads to speed increase.
The frequency of the singular is more in the natural course of the present tense of the story. The repeated frequency is manifested in time lapses and the past memories are expressed due to the fact that those memories have had a deep impact on the narrator and have been reviewed many times in the narrator's disturbed, upset, and pained mind. Zonouzi has used the narrator's frequency to introduce characters and show their habits and behavior.
In the narrator's frequency, the author has sometimes mentioned repeated events several times and, as a result, these cases violated the general definitions of this frequency. For this reason, the definition of "the frequency of occurrence by an event" is more than the number of times it is represented. It is the most suitable definition for the frequency of the narrator.
Zonouzi's method of using repeated frequency has four modes. 1. The main character or other characters make a brief reference to an event. This creates a question mark in the mind of the reader; Then, in the following pages, he gives a full description of that story and resolves its ambiguity. 2. For the first time, he describes the event in detail, but in the next times, with the aim of expressing the importance of that event, he makes a brief reference to it. This state is the opposite of the first state. The reason for the repetition of events in the second case is the destructive effect of that event on the narrator. In addition, the author has been able to display the confused mind of the narrator in the form of the flow of mental fluid by purposefully repeating these events. 3. The narrator tells the incident in a distorted way and, then, he narrates it honestly the second time. 4. The author refers to the events through the language of different characters.


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