The Study of the Traits and Analysis of Fear Syndromes in the Characterization of the Hero Kid of Ghesseha-ye-Madjid

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.A. Graduate in Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.



Fear, being referred to as a form of excitement, keeps the beings alive and it considered as a reaction against probable hazards. It is tangible that these illusional fears and horrors, make a part of childhood and adolescence behaviors, and gradually disappear by the growth of consciousness and the evolution of personality. However, such defensive and behavioral reactions sometimes take place in human entity and lead to behavioral disorders and personality problems and mental illness in a person. Fiction in this field has become as the aid of understanding this fear as accurately as possible in order to clearify the connection between literature and psychology and to make the importance of interdisciplinary studies more obvious. Morbid fear or phobia is so ingrained with the lives of many people that even in the field of literature and especially contemporary fiction. It penetrates from the author's unconscious to the text of the work or is reflected as a pathological fear in the behavior and moods of the characters. The present article examines morbid fears or phobias in Ghesseha-ye-Madjid (Madjid's stories), written by Hooshang Moradi Kermani, and extracts examples of pathological fears in this work in order of frequency. The results of the research indicate that Moradi Kermani has been able to show some kinds of morbid fear or phobia during their behavior, conversations, and beliefs in processing Madjid's and the other characters personality. The authors of the present study, after extracting, comparing, and analyzing different types of morbid panic, were able to identify twelve types of it and, with evidence from the text of the book, present them to the readers on the base of frequency as follows: Scolionophobia, Traumaphobia or Specificphobia, Scopophobia, Anticipatory Anxiety, Nyctophobia, Zoophobia, Socialphobia, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Thanatophobia, Hemophobia, and Fear of Embarrassment (A Kind of SocialPhobia). Evidence suggests that the absence of parents and the lack of a strong emotional base in Madjid's life can greatly lead to such fears in Madjid.
The entrance of literature into a field called comparative literature and, consequently, interdisciplinary research, and its further flourishing are among the prominent points of contemporary research. Turning to interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary research and entering less studied areas of literature such as psychology and literature can provide an innovative and more accurate reading and understanding of texts and encourage researchers to participate in this field. It is possible that the achievements resulting from such interdisciplinary researches will be more scientific, dynamic, and prosperous than simple and traditional methods, and will lead to more credibility and mastery of literary research, especially in the field of fiction literature. In the current era, interdisciplinary knowledge has a special place and has come across responding many questions posed by human beings in multiple fields. Literature is closely entangled with many sciences and, due to its wide scope, one of these sciences is psychology. The relationship between literature and psychology is mutual, in way that psychologists use literature and literary scholars find topics suitable for their stories by carefully and carefully examining human conditions in psychology. This connection and continuity between the sciences further clarifies the importance of interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding and dealing with it, and provides a better and fresh understanding of the texts. Fear is one of the fields that psychology has dealt with and has been the subject of writing many works in fiction literature. There are two types of phobias, simple fear and social fear, which are defined in this article. Normal fear is necessary for the life and life of a living being, but morbid fear and simple phobia disrupt a person's life, so that the cowardly person (phobic) is unable to face his fear, and at the same time, he is aware of the emptiness and delusionality of his fear. Fear in its natural form is not only not bad, but it is completely beneficial and leads to the survival of human beings and the preservation of health in them. Sometimes fear goes out of its natural state, and in this case, fear is not only not beneficial, but also harmful and harms human health. This type of fear is called pathological fear and it is also referred to by other names, including phobias. The conclusion is that addressing the pathological fear and knowing it more and more tangibly through the story can be helpful in understanding this kind of mental and psychological states of human beings, and also in the context of the story, causes and factors of the fears can be analyzed and the appropriate solution can be sought.
Regarding the research method and the theoretical framework of the authors in this article, it must be noted that the researchers have intended to refer to the importance of interdisciplinary research and narrative analysis by taking care of the the link between psychology and literature. Followed by that, the notion of fear will be defined and categorized it the perspective of psychology and explaining the views of experts in this field. The examples of fear and individual fear in the hero of Madjid's stories are being analyzed. Finally, the causes and factors that create such fears in the aforementioned collection will be scrutinized.
Results and Discussion:
Research Findings Moradi Kermani has had similar conditions in his life and has been able to show the impact of the environment and unfavorable living conditions on the mental and psychological state of human beings. He portrays childish fears that are mostly linked to the world around him and to society and social relationships. Naturally, the child or adolescent reader who reads this collection of stories, with his mental background and his imagination of the ideal hero, expects the hero of the stories to be bold and fearless in words and deeds and not to be afraid of anything or anyone, but the hero of Madjid's stories is also afraid of his own shadow! It seems that due to the sense of empathy that the reader feels while reading the stories due to the experience of similar situations in childhood, while recalling these baseless and forgotten fears, the reader is confronted with a funny situation, which is now due to awareness and consciousness resulting from the development of the character.
Houshang Moradi Kermani is one of the prominent contemporary writers in the field of children's and adolescent literature who has been able to portray children's fears in the character of the child hero of Madjid's stories. The drama of the horrors and fears caused by the environment and context of life in childhood. Furthermore, Madjid's procedures of dealing with these fears in the course of his personality development, introduces the reader of the work to the fact that they were faced with such fears at that time, and now that they have reached the necessary personal growth and development, these types of fears become the matter of joy and laugh, often without foundation. The child protagonist of Madjid's stories, which is to a large extent a reflection of the author's own personality and life, faces various fears and fears. The special circumstances of Madjid's life, such as the lack of parents, economic and cultural poverty, the wrong methods of education in school, etc. It has become a favorable ground for the awakening of dormant fears in Madjid. Madjid's greatest fear in the stories is the fear of being embarrassed in the crowd and being embarrassed in front of a specific person, followed by other types of fear such as school phobia (Scolionophobia), object phobia (Specificphobia such as Prayerbeadsphobia/Tasbihphobia), fear of staring (Scopophobia), anxiety of waiting or anticipation (Anticipatory Anxiety), fear of the darkness (Nyctophobia), phobia of animals (Zoophobia), fear of ridicule or fear of humiliation, ugliness phobia or self-ugliness disorder(BDD or Body Dysmorphic Disorder), blood phobia (Hemophobia), and embarrassment


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