The Function of the Verb System in the Novel Paeez Fasle Akhare Sal Ast (Autumn is the Last Season of the Year)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 M.A. Graduate in Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.



Paeez Fasle Akhare Sal Ast (Autumn is the last season of the year) written by Nasim Marashi, although not being published for a long time, has been published several times and has won the Jalal Al-Ahmad Literary Award. In this article, based on Harald Weinrich's theory of verbs system, the type of time, face, person, and number of verbs have been classified. Descriptive-analytical method has been utilized to analyize the sentence syntax and the effect of verb system, the specific use of verb system in temrs of attractiveness and the success of this novel. The total sum of the frequency in the system of verbs includes the system of quotation with the frequency of 5643 verbs and the system of discussion with the frequency of 5609 verbs, respectively. The research findings have indicated that the author has subconsciously expressed his thoughts and feelings in the heart of the story by using the system of verbs, the system of discussion, and the system of narration - as well as the frequency of using the past tense and choosing the person and aspect appropriate to the subject. On the other hand, the author tries to show her inner feelings and emotions, and the author also tries to create a different tone in addition to highlighting the characters.
The novel Autumn is the Last Season of the Year, written by Nasim Marashi, narrates the stories of three girls' lives. The novel is divided into two parts that are entitled as "Summer" and "Autumn." Each of the seasons contains three chapters ans each chapter is narrated from the perspective of one of the three main characters. Despite the fact that the stories of these three characters depict different lives, the author employs a consistent tone for the different characters in the novel, which on the surface, results in a uniformity within the narrative. The author attempts to compensate for this by employing a specific function of the verb.
Verb tense is one of the most important elements that determines the nature of the text, and it conveys the message within the text to the audience, which is more broadly referred to as the verb system. The author also uses the verb and its features -particularly tense, person, and mood of the verb to depict the concerns of different characters in the novel, such as fear, anxiety, joy, hope, and despair.
The researchers have analyzed and evaluated the author's success in choosing the type and tense of verbs to portray the feelings, thoughts, and characters of the novel. Additionally, the author's choices in the specific use of the verb system, sentence structure, verb frequency, and the degree of the author's unconscious influence on the novel with respect to the application of the verb system have been examined. We have categorized the verb system of the novel's text by noting the frequency of their usage. The verb tenses, along with their respective subject markers or performers, and the mood of each verb are specified. We have also examined the role of the verb in creating meaning and the interaction between the speaker and the audience in the mentioned novel.
Harald Weinrich categorizes verb tenses into two groups: the first group includes present perfect, present, and future, while the second group includes simple past, past continuous, past perfect, and conditional. He also classifies the verb system into two categories: narration and discourse. Both categories accurately convey the message to the listener and reader due to the pervasive action process of the current tenses throughout the text. Furthermore, personal pronouns complete these categories, creating three situations: 1. Speaker or sender, 2. Listener or receiver, and 3. Other situations. The narration system is crucial for interpretation, and as in all interpretations, the action is emphasized, and the type of discourse or story, such as a tale, narrative, novel, biography, etc, identifies the verb. In the narration system, the "zero point" is the present tense, indicating that the text has an interpretive nature. Additionally, the present perfect tense reflects past orientation, while the future tense reflects future orientation within the text. In the discourse system (narrative time), time is free from the narrated time. In this system, the conditional, present perfect, and simple past tenses indicate past orientation, and the future tense indicates future orientation. The intersection point of narration and discourse is the "zero point" or the present tense, simple past, and past continuous, and generally, the present tense determines both the past and the future.
Results and Discussion:
The author, by employing a specific type of verb tense -particularly the use of the narrative system- aims to convey a sense of doubt, sorrow, longing, and feminine concerns. Additionally, subconsciously, the author evokes their inner feelings through verb forms, especially the narrative system, to resonate with the reader. The reader, based on the function of verb tenses in sentences, especially the repetition of verbs, sentence length, and structure, discerns the author's inner emotions. Although there is a consistent tone throughout the entire novel, the judicious choice of verb forms and identifiers allows the reader to empathize with the story's characters. At times, the reader even places themselves in the characters' shoes, drawing conclusions as each segment of the novel concludes.
The author skillfully employs verb tenses to reveal various aspects, subtle details, and different angles of the main characters' lives. This encourages readers to contemplate and interpret the text in multiple ways. The author's art lies in not immediately delivering the message or revelation within the text. Instead, by introducing various topics and expanding the narrative, they prevent an abrupt consumption of meaning and context in a single sentence. However, with respect to the argumentative system, when the author subconsciously delves into their own memories, emotions, and sentiments, they predominantly use past tense verbs. Even though the novel's inherent time is in the past, the author expresses their recollections and feelings through verbs in the past tense.
The frequency of using the narrative system-especially the present tense-indirectly, through the fusion of art, literary elements, and imagination, constructs the entire events, memories, experiences, and concerns of different characters in the novel and story. The author, using the narrative system, subtly conceals their own beliefs and thought processes within the story, attempting to reveal their experiential events and life events to the reader.
The research data indicates that the frequency of using the argumentative system in this novel is lower, although it employs the past tense more frequently. Furthermore, in terms of time, it encompasses a more flexible timeframe and exhibits a forward-looking perspective within the story. The argumentative system, predominantly occurring in the present tense, conveys both past and future events.
In the novel Autumn Is the End of the Year the author primarily employs short sentences from a grammatical perspective. However, based on the frequency of using the narrative system and the abundant use of the present tense, the author indirectly demonstrates to the reader that despite the consistent tone, equal emotions, and concerns of the characters, they all represent different facets of the author's own feelings. As a first-person singular narrator, the author immerses themselves in the language of each character, providing insights from their perspectives. The text's style evokes a sense of isolation and melancholy within the reader, fostering a strong sense of empathy with the various storylines.
The current verb tense used throughout the story, especially in shorter, fragmented sentences with a higher frequency of verbs, subtly conveys anxiety, fear, anger, sorrow, and feminine worries. However, when sentences become longer and the frequency of past tense verbs, in particular, decreases, themes of hope, joy, excitement, and a clear, forward-looking perspective emerge. The use of the indicative mood also serves as a confirming seal on the narrator's words.


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