Metafiction (A case study of Bibi Shahrzad 's novels, Good Night Sultan, the author does not die)

Document Type : Original Article


Islamic Azad University, Hamedan branch



" Metafiction" is a postmodern technique in which the author consciously and in various ways emphasizes the narrative and fabrication of his story. In this article, the novels of Bibi Shahrzad, Good Night Sultan, and the author does not die, are examined from the perspective of postmodern metafiction techniques. The purpose of this study is to analyze the novels "Bibi Shahrzad, Good Night Sultan and the writer does not die, he pays homage" from the perspective of metanarratives and has been done in a documentary and library way and with content analysis method. And he wants to answer these questions: How is the metanarrative manifested in these novels and by what tricks? Can these three novels be considered as extra-fiction novels? The results of the study show that metafiction techniques such as revealing the technique including story writing, metafiction naming, story critique; Also, the presence and involvement of the narrator in the story such as the narrator / writer relationship with the audience, the relationship with the story and the relationship with the characters have been used more or less in all three novels, but in the novel the author does not die. It is more prominent and artificial.


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