Relations Among Subjects in Iranian Folk Short Stories from Semi- Semantic Discourse View Point

Document Type : Original Article


Professor ,Department of French Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran



In Iranian folk short stories, there is a possibility for the existence of more than one subject. Without a shadow of doubt, these subjects, with regards to the Semantic horizon and their action process path, are in interation with each other. According to this matter, the question addressing the kinds of relations between subjects has been proposed. Furthermore, how the semantic horizon followed by subjects affect the relations among them. With that in mind, this research, imposing an analytic- descriptive method and affected by Semi-Semantic discourse approach in classical narratives, tries to consider and analyze the quality of relations among subjects in Iranian folk short stories by considering 661 present subjects in the collection of Iranian folk stories that include 201 collected stories by Seyyed Abolghasem Enjavi Shirazi in a collection of four volumes. The results of this research indicate that these stories have formulated 13 types of relations among subjects comprising; coexistence, confluence, divergence, confrontation, interaction, alignment, excellence/failure, object/subject, understanding, dialogue, imitation, self- sufficiency, and competition. According to the Semantic horizon component that determines the quality of the relations among subjects, these relations, in most cases, have changed and, as a result, 34 communication chains from one to eight rings have been formed among subjects.
In Iranian folk short stories, there may be more than one subject. Undoutedly, these subject are in interaction with each other interms of the semantic horizon and their path of action process. According to this matter, it is proposed that the type of interactiosn between subjects and the way the semantic horizon followed by subjects impacts this interaction are the two subjects which turn out to be worth-mentioning.
This research, having an analytic-discriptive procedure, is effected by the semi- semantic discourse approach in classical narartives in which the relations among 661 subjects (characters who want to possess an object, repossess, or protect it) in 201 stories from a four volume collection of Iranian folk short stories are considered. These stories had been collected by Seyyed Abolghasem Enjavi Shirazi. In this research, prior to anything, the kinds of relations among subjects and  their frequency are determined and, followed by that, the relation chains among subjects and their frequency are explained which are formed in these storeis.
Results and Discussion:
The results revea that in these stories 13 types of relations have been formed among subjects: coexistence, confluence, divergence, confrontation, interaction, alignment, excellence/failure, object/subject, understanding, dialogue, imitation, self- sufficiency and competition. According to the Semantic horizon component that determines the quality of the relations among subjects, these relations, in most cases, have changed and, as a result, 34 communication chains of one to eight rings have been formed among subjects.
The result of this research reveals that object and possessing, repossessing, or protecting that, which causes to creation and forming the relations among subjects. This process causes to forming different relation chains among subjects.


Main Subjects

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