Rereading the literary components and themes of the story (Why is the story considered literature?)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University

2 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran


The main question we face in the present study is; "The story, though predominantly; It is not the realm of signs, images and metaphors; "How does he enter the field of literature?" In order to achieve the objectives of the research, we first explained the nature and truth of literature from ancient to modern times. Then by stating and explaining the fact that; The literary themes of the story are distinct from the literary essence and components of the poem; We will seek to answer why the literary nature of the story. The nature and essence of literature has long been debated and sometimes disputed. Opinions differ as to what constitutes literature from a literary writing, especially order; Aristotle considers the essence of poetry to be imitation, Plato considers it to be an imaginary and innovative imitation of nature, and Abd al-Qahir considers literature to be the result of the secondary signification of words. Some consider literature to be the result of abnormalities and regularization in language. Some consider imagination to be the essence of poetry and literature, and consider the function of images such as metaphor and simile to be the transmission of high human emotions. In recent centuries, linguists, with the help of various linguistic schools, have considered literature and its essence to be dependent on "signs". Can the whole story be considered a sign of a secondary meaning? Because by the definition of sign, many stories have no sign and, by development, no imagination, but they are


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