The Utilization of Narrative Time Techniques based on Gerard Genette’s Theory in The Barren Land

Document Type : Original Article


1 Persian Language and Literature Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan

2 Persian Language and Literature - Faculty of Literature and Humanities - Vali-e- Asr University of Rafsanjan

3 Persian Language and Literature Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan - iran


The narrative time and various substrates of time has many varied functions in the fiction. Meanwhile, one of the fictional works that has a different outlook at narrative techniques is Mohammad Reza Bayrami’s The Barren Land. time is a decisive factor in the narrative structure of this novel and narration time is included in the criticism of literary works; in this study the authors have discussed the components of narrative time by inductive method in three subjects of order, duration and frequency based on Genette’s theory. The outcomes of the study show that analepsis is the basic device of Bayrami’s narrative method and internal analepsis by the mind review of the main protagonist’s memories has been used frequently to depict his subjectivity, and prolepsis anachrony depicts the tensions and concerns of the main characters. In addition, Bayrami has used positive speed in the introduction of characters which its main factor is “Dialogue” and singulative frequency that has been used to create positive speed. Repetitive frequency and iterative frequency are also the author’s narrative style to indicate the behavioral habits.


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