Cultural crystallization of society in post-modern narration and unconventional narrators in the novel "My Name is Red" by Orhan Pamuk

Document Type : Original Article


1 Student, Azad University, Bonab branch.

2 Professor of Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan,Tabriz.Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Bonab .Iran.



My Name is Red" is a multi-layered novel that is made up of fragmentary narratives narrated by multiple and diverse narrators. The perspective of this novel is first-person and simultaneously pursues multiple purposes and goals. In this novel, Pamuk has adapted Nizami Ganjai's "Khosro and Shirin" and created a post-modern narrative that has both narrative and visual dimensions. He has narrated the events of his novel both based on historical and fictional documents and based on the pictures of Iranian and Turkish painters. This research has been carried out with a descriptive-analytical method and the polyphonic aspect of the novel "My Name is Red", Pamuk's mode of narration and the identity and position of the novel's numerous and diverse narrators have been investigated. The findings of the research show that despite following the post-modern patterns, Pamuk has used an innovative method in narration, characterization and choosing the narrator and determining the nature and position of the narrators of this novel. Also, Pamuk created a symbolic conflict between fans of Iranian miniature painting style and fans of Venetian portrait painting style; During the internal and external dialogues of the characters in the novel, the conflicts, conflicts and motivations of each of the supporters of the East and the West are raised. In this way, Pamuk has made fun of a reader belonging to Eastern fanatics, a reader belonging to Western fanatics and any ignorance and superstition, then without inducing the result, he left the result to the audience.


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