The primary and secondary approaches of the conflict element in the play Three Passes of the Noble and Beautiful Young Life from the perspective of "Robert Mckee "

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D Student in Analytical and Comparative Studies of Islamic Art, Faculty of Arts, Tehran Center Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Art Studies, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Collegue of Art, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.


In relation to the Sacred War, dramatic literature includes many great plays, many of which are based on narratology and the conflict created by narration, storyline, and the point of view. If we accept that one of the play pathways, crosses the storyline in terms of analyzing the hero’s actions and their impact on story advancement through a visual narrative, then the interrelation between narration and criticism and its effect on the play and its storyline, can be determined. The Sacred War plays are good cases for such analyses because of using narrative capacities for storytelling or reviewing and recognition of characters’ history and life events. This research, using descriptive and analytic methods, investigates one of the main elements of plays, i.e. conflict across one of the most successful plays of the Sacred War theater. are employed in ‘Three passes of good life of a noble teenager and Ziba” by Alireza Naderi NajafAbadi? Conflict is one of the mode important structural elements and advances the storyline. Besides, focusing on conflict and recognizing the inner worlds of the character, Robert Mckee represents the three levels of conflict in terms of character action analysis. Thus, this research focuses on the levels and kinds of conflict according to Robert McKee’s extensive works to descript this viewpoint and element.


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