The Traces of Narrative Theater on Three Plays of Mohammad Yaqoubi


1 PhD student of Persian language and literature, Central Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The narrative theater, which is in opposition to the Aristotelian theater, tries to guide the theater audience towards the correct understanding by relying on change and supporting all the elements in the Aristotelian theater. One of the most important techniques in narrative theater is "alienation", which tries to make the audience think by minimizing believability in various ways and leads him to judge the events and correct things. Relying on the technique of alienation, the narrative theater asks the audience for an intellectual critique in order to gain knowledge and make a logical decision. The goals of this article are to gain more familiarity with the principles of narrative theater and the influence of contemporary playwrights, including Mohammad Yaqoubi, on the technique of narrative theater and its intellectual foundations. Also, the methods of alienation, which is the most important technique of narrative theater, have been introduced. In line with these goals, an attempt has been made to analyze and examine three plays by Mohammad Yaqoubi, who is one of the innovative and influential playwrights of recent decades in Iran, using the descriptive-analytical method and the library method. These three plays are: One Minute of Silence, Writing in the Dark and Winter 66. The results of the analysis of these three works show that he changed from the popular Aristotelian or classical dramatic style to modern dramatic styles in his plays and the characteristics of narrative theater and methods of alienation technique can be seen in his plays and performances.


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