An inquiry into the literature of Kamel Kilani's "child"; investigating the characterization of the story with reference to the collection of "Ten Stories"

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature Department of Persian Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


In the Arab world, moral themes were sometimes presented in the form of poetry and, sometimes prose. However, in the present era, this trend has emerged in an educational context and as a new art called "children's literature". Among the Arab countries, Egypt can be addressed as the pioneer in this respect and the genius of people like Kamel Kilani is a proof to this claim. The present study is an attempt to examine the various aspects of characterization in Kilani's work in a descriptive-analytical procedure via addressing Kilani's collection called; "Ten Stories". As the obtained results indicated, research shows that characterization, as one of the elements targeted in the story, is more direct in Kilani's "Child". For the main characters, more of the narrator element and dialogue is used, and, for the sub-characters, dialogue, description of behavior and face, expression of correct behavior are presentd in a more indirect way. Kilani's work comprises intellectual, educational, and moral goals, lexical and linguistic goals, and themes such as fidelity, honesty, and truthfulness.


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