Investigating the Structure of the Historical-Romantic Novel of Shams and Toghra

Document Type : Original Article


1 ŮŽAssociate professor Department of Persian Language and Literature, Zabol University

2 M. A. of Persian Language and Literature, Zabol University


Mohammad Bagher Khosrawi (1338 AH) is one of the most prominent writers in the field of historical stories. Shams and Toghra's novel is his most important work, the events of which are related to the period of the Mongol rule. The author addresses the issue of love and the strict Moghal laws on marriage. In this work, the story of love is a completely reasonable and logical flow, with solidity and loyalty, with all the wishes and desires of a lover that eventually leads to marriage, and contradictions and dichotomies are transformed into a alchemy of love for unity. Considering the importance of the historical novels in this article, the structure of the historical romantic story of Shams and Toghra has been discussed in a descriptive-analytical way. The results of the research show that the development of characters, strong cause and effect relationships between events, environment, scene, diverse conversations and the current situation, the types of conflicts and the use of most of the elements of the story have made Shams and Toghra as a very coherent set of work in narrating the story.


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