The Analysis of Novel of the Length of the Night based on the Theory of Constructive Structuralism of Lucien Goldman

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student of Persian Language and Literature, Sanandaj Azad University, Faculty of Humanities, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Sanandaj Azad University, Faculty of Humanities, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Sanandaj Azad University, Sanandaj, faculty of Humanities, Sanandaj, Iran

4 Assistant Professors, Sociology, Sanandaj Azad University, Sanandaj, Faculty of Humanities, Sanandaj, Iran


The present study aims to provide a sociological reading based on Lucien Goldman's theory in the novel 'The length of the Night' by Jamal Mirsadeghi with an analytical-descriptive method that deals with a significant relationship between social structure and the structure of the literary text. Goldman called his method developmental structuralism, which is an important factor in the emergence of developmental structuralism of the author's social base. He believed that the literary work is created not by an individual but by the worldview of a group and a group to which it belongs, and Mirsadeghi, is a realist writer, raises issues of the problems of the time in his works that reflect the social facts. Which is a new approach in recognizing his works and reached the important findings that the novel has a social structure And the most prominent social themes are cultural and economic poverty and the confrontation between tradition and modernity which has led to a generational rupture and according to Goldman's theory, the author as a social class agent represents the middle class worldview and the existing worldview is the result of the same worldview of the middle class, which, by reaching the maximum possible consciousness, has been able to show class consciousness in the middle class.


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