Investigation of Intertextual Relations in the anecdotes of the third Nubah Kashf al-Asrar and Ruh al-Arwah based on Genette’s Theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Mazandaran. Babolsar, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Mazandaran. Babolsar, Iran

3 Graduate M.A. Student of Persian Language and Literature, University of Mazandaran. Babolsar, Iran


Genette is one of the theorists in the field of intertextuality and he believes in applied intertextuality. Intertextuality, like other categories of intertextuality, shows how texts are influenced and influential. Since the mystical genre occupies a significant section of Persian literature, the intertextual study of prominent mystical texts reveals the hidden and unopened angles between them. This descriptive-analytical paper is the first step in examining the intertextual relations between the common anecdotes of the Third Generation of the Discovery of Mysteries and Ruh al-Arwah based on Genette's theory, in order to communicate the two works from a structuralism perspective and intertextual systemic elements. It examines creation and processing. The achievements of the present research are generally as follows: Ruh al-Arwah as a subtext has an authorial and historical precedence over the discovery of mysteries as a rough text. There are 46 anecdotes in these two books that are common and they have intertextual relations, of which 10 anecdotes can be divided into explicit intertextuality, 19 anecdotes in terms of non-explicit intertextuality and 17 anecdotes in terms of implicit intertextuality. Of the ten volumes of the book Kashf al-Asrar, the sixth volume contains the most common anecdotes with Ruh al-Arwah, and the fifth volume does not have a common anecdote with Samani effect. Kashf al-Asrar has more literature than the text of Ruh al-Arwah because of the rhythmic and eloquent words and not from the point of view of emotions and feelings. As whole, the results of our research make us believe in the accuracy of the bias adaptation of Samani as much as possible.


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