Feminist Approach to the Story of Blue wisdom Shanoosh Parsipoor

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Science, University of Lorestan, Khoramabad, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature Faculty of Literature and Human Science, University of Lorestan, Khoramabad, Iran

3 M.A student of Persian Language and Literature Faculty of Literature and Human Science, University of Lorestan, Khoramabad, Iran


Contemporary feminism challenges the traditional theories in areas that do not take women's interests, concerns, and identities seriously and deny their effectiveness, intellectual independence, and independent personality compared to men. In protest of the traditional patriarchal movement, modern feminism attacked and criticized the structural possibilities of society and the growing trend of bourgeois patriarchy, and formed the women's liberation movement with the priority of changing and eliminating discrimination in their social relations. These thoughts gradually penetrated the works of male and female writers and formed the basis of many literary works. Shahrnosh Parsipoor, a contemporary female writer, is one of the people whose stories used this concern for equality, the social status of women, in her stories. The story of the Blue Wisdom, as a clear manifesto, represents the author's feminist mentality and tendencies. The signs such as the dominant feminine view, de-traditionalization and modernism, reliance on individuality, rationalism, responsibility and authority are some of the most obvious feminist propositions are visible in the story of “Blue Wisdom”. In the following article, Shahrnosh Parsipoor's feminist tendencies and concerns are discussed in this story.


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