The Sociological Study of Women’s Positions in the Novels “Her Eyes” and “Turnip is Fruit of Heaven”

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran

2 Ph.D. student in Persian language and literature, Teacher of Instruction Organ


The face of a woman in contemporary Iranian literature is bold and different from classical literature. Bozorg Alavi and Ali Mohammad Afghani are talented writers of contemporary novels in which women play a pivotal role. In the novel “His Eyes”, Bozorg Alavi introduces a woman with a relatively different personality than the women of the society of that day. “Farangis” is a prominent female character in the novel "Her Eyes" who is modern and up-to-date and often conscious of her human rights, and she enters the political and social activities with different purposes. However, Bozorg Alavi has a bipolar view of women and he shows enigmatic and advanced aspects of her personality that are, of course, unfamiliar to the reader; but his women are self-motivated and energetic women who move away from the role of mother and wife and they seek social roles; however, women in the story of Ali Mohammad Afghani are traditional women with limited frameworks, which were normal in the society of that day. “Golanbar” is a poor, inactive and static woman who has a low-energy character until the end of the story. He is oppressed, obedient and poor in society and family, and he lives his life in hardship and uncertainty, and this poverty and limitation sometimes leads him to negative purposes.


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