The Study of Streams of Consciousness in Dastane yek shahr Novel with Emphasis on Thematic Criticism

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Persian language and literature, Payam Noor, Tehran, Iran


Time, as one of the main elements of literary criticism and novels, can be examined from different perspectives. Georges Poulet (1902-1999) is one of the theorists who, by emphasizing the importance of the element of time, based on images and narrative space, deals with the author's understanding of time. With the help of the author's illustration in the story, the effective time dimensions in creating the character and advancing the narrative, he intends to make acquaint us with the dominant space of the story in order to achieve a different perception of the text through space analysis. Ahmad Mahmoud is one of the prominent contemporary writers whose works show the importance of the element of time and their related components in creating narrative, character and narrative atmosphere. The use of the stream of consciousness in Dastane yek shahr Novel, the narration of events in a bed of time and space, and the successive creation of space under the influence of associations and time discontinuities, made this novel descriptive-analytical and with emphasis on criticism. Let's examine the theme of Georges Poulet. The result of this study shows that the constant change of story time between present and past, long-term narration of the past through the lens of limited moments of the present, confrontation of mental time and objective time and representation of the inner layers of the narrator's mind, using association frequent shifts, intermittent shifts in time and space are all features of the stream of consciousness in this novel.



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