The Function of the First-Person Narrator's Point of View in Developing the Story (Case study: Ghada Al-Saman Novel Quabis Beirut)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran


The narrator and the point of view are among the important elements of the story, the use of which in different ways has caused the dynamism and evolution of the contemporary storytelling. Ghada Al-Saman (1942) , narrates his novel Quabis Beirut with an inner point of view and a first-person narrator and the success of this work is due to the proper use of the narrator and the selective point of view of the author. In this research, an attempt has been made to study, evaluate and criticize the role of the narrator's point of view in progressing the adventures of the story by descriptive-analytical method. The narrator of Quabis Beirut is the protagonist who plays the role of the author's voice to provide information to the reader from a first-person point of view. Because the author narrates the hidden story from the eyes of the reader and the adventures of the story in the mouth of the first-person narrator, the understanding of the hard events of the war is more credible and effective for the reader. Selecting this narrator accelerates the movement of the story. Because it is the result of the objective and mental experiences of a particular person, and there is no longer a mediator in the name of the author between the reader and the work. The first-person narrator is unaware of the feelings and opinions of the other characters in the story. So he talks about them with speculation. He also tries to introduce himself to the reader through indirect characterization, that is, through actions, expression of thoughts and dialogues.


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