The Identification of Mythological Themes in the Legend of the “Pari-Čehel Gisū”; Based on the Ernest Cassirer's Approach to Mythological Consciousness

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Art and Architecture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


Humanity today seeks its whole existence in a logical and rational framework, and he is unaware of the fact that systematic rational methods are just one of the ways in which humans are aware of the world around them. This neglect itself is the basis for cognitive misunderstandings of his past existence. Folk literature is one of those culture that, despite being pervasive, many of the Folk literature is one of those objects that, in spite of being pervasive, many of the characteristics embodied in them are not so much in line with the logic that governs the rational consciousness of modern man; the main question in this study is the search for a cognitive sample governing the constituent components of the legendary “Pari-Čehel Gisū (= Fairy with forty hairs)” of the folk and oral literature of the Fars region. The research method is descriptive-analytical, and the used analytical way that is Ernest Cassirer's which has been obtained from the study of his various and numerous works in the field of epistemology. By adapting these irrational themes and patterns to the content of the components of the Pari-Čehel Gisū myth, it was determined that there are seven characteristics associated with irrational cognition and myth in various ways in the form of places, time characters, actions and frequencies are present in this narration, the most of which include “mythical number” and “destiny-orientation”.


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