A Hesitation in Cubist Design in the Novel of Pokhestan by Edwin Abbotts

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduate of Ph.D. in Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Science, University of Shiraz, Iran

2 Graduate of M.A of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Science, University of Shiraz, Iran


Pokhestan is a science fiction novel with an allegorical texture, written in 1884 by Edwin Abbott. The author engages in a profound critique of his contemporary world by creating people in one-, two-, and three-dimensional forms. In this article, an attempt has been made to extract the data, symbols and signs used by Abbott through analytical-descriptive method and library collection way in order to reveal their relationship with the processing era. The result shows that although these elements criticize the social, political and cultural dimensions of the author's time with bitter and satirical language; but the structure of the work is based on the journey in the land, underground and extraterrestrial travels that are still traditional. Also, the author's attitude towards the world of his fictional characters and their relationship with each other, especially the square narrator of Pokhestan and the people of Hajmestan concerns the recognition of the hidden dimensions of objects and phenomenon, tends towards a style in painting called Cubism.



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