Examining the Discourse Courage Beyond the Presence of the “Other” in the Novel of Those Mothers, These Girls

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student of French Language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of French Language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


In the last decade, we face a number of feminine discourses, and each female writer poses a new thinkable character in her novel; one of the most striking examples is the depiction of a housewife who is plagued from her absurd conjugal life, and she plans to be born again and achieve all her dreams. The presence of “other” in the life of a traditional woman becomes a complete pattern for her in order that she can abandon the stereotypes and grow increasingly, while her mother's feelings and a sense of being loved by a man is still alive with her and she uses a feminine language to make her femininities more prominent. This structure can be seen in “Those mothers, these girls” by Belqeis Soleimani. Anna become a mirror of her mother, Sorayya, and brings her to self-awareness, thus Sorayya will move gradually from tradition to modernity and she shows different thoughts. Irigaray and Cixous’s theory, based on the “self in other mirror”, is a frame which shows us that this work is in the category of post-feminist works and explains new subjects that the Iranian woman writer has not addressed before. Therefore, it can be introduced as a discourse text.


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