Nima's Time Games and Descriptive Style in the Servielli House System Based on Time Theory Narration in Gerard Genette

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Semnan Branch, Semnan, Iran


Whereas the narration and description are the central elements of the poetics of Nima’s new poetry; during his poetic time, he composed several narrative collections of poems. The purpose of the present article is to investigate the techniques of narrative time in the Servielli House system, based on the theory of time narration by Gerard Genette. The results of the study show that procrastination (expansion of narration), retrospection, and foresight are among the most important tricks of the time that Nima has dealt with in narration. Since, according to Nima's theory, the purpose of poetry is to describe and narrate and embody the poetic subjects, so his trick in his narrative poems is to expand the narration, which has been done in this system with objective and very beautiful descriptions. The function of delay in this poem is to describe the place and time of the story, to characterize and to objectify the abstract matters. Nima has also used the retrospective and futuristic tricks of the narration to express the poet's hopes and doubts, and his hesitations and delays, which are beautifully expressed in the form of the Serivili controversy between the Nojo poet and the devil, which is a symbol of temptation. His deceptive and seductive inner selves are depicted. In general, Nima's time tricks in this poem are consistent with both the theme and content of the story and Nima's descriptive style. His most important time technique in this system is delaying or expanding the narration, which is not a frequency component in the descriptive style. Keywords (English): Narration, Element of Time, Gerard Genette, Nima Yoshij, Descriptive Style, Serivili House Collection.


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