The Analysis of Dialectical Method in the Narrative Structure of the Novel Chashmhaiash by the Bozorg Alavi Based on Approach metod Gurvitch

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student in Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad Uiversity, Dehaghan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad Uiversity, Dehaghan, Iran


The topic of narratology is the methodology of structure and narration. The narration involves the concept of movement. Dialectics also discusses the subject as a method in the fields of sociology and history. The narratology and philosophical method of dialectics imply the concept of time and move the subject with the research approach. The present article tries to focus on the type and manner of narrative movement in its Chashmhaiash novel and to analyze the narrative style in this novel with Gurvitch's methodology. It also demonstrates how the narrative moves with a variety of dialectical modes. In this case, the artistic value is determined in the narrative art of Bozorg Alavi. The narration of Chashmhaiash was created by the dialectical method of motion. The method of compensatory reciprocity and the method of interconnection in the continuity or delay of the novel. Creating excitement and narrative suspense also affects the dialectical style with ambiguity in this novel. This type sometimes becomes symmetrical and sometimes polarized. The relationship between characters and situations becomes a form of polarization. In this regard, the dialectical opposition to the scene is gradually taking on a polar dimension, and the main characters reject each other.


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