The Study of Javad Mojabi's Novel Grasshopper Night from the Point of View of Humorous Techniques

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student of Persian Language and Literature, College of Literature and Human Sciences, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran

2 M.A. Professor of Persian Language and Literature, College of Literature and Human Sciences, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran


Javad Mojabi is one of the most successful satirists in the contemporary literature, especially the genre novel. Grasshopper Night is a humorous novel with a cinematic structure which is centered on war, destruction and death that is a valuable work in terms of reflecting events, facts and problems which related to war. The work is literary, conversational, and humorous. In addition to the humorous language, the author uses the techniques of humor to criticize war and many social, cultural, and intellectual issues. In this research, an attempt has been made to identify and to investigate the most important humorous techniques that the author has used and has made the novel as a literary factor in humor. In addition to identifying the author's humorous techniques, this has led to a clearer and more prominent intellectual and thematic aspect in the work. The results show the techniques of humor such as: discourse contradiction, lexical inconsistencies, unusual actions, unexpected arguments by the narrator, irony and situational contradiction, hyperbole (through descriptions and the introduction of surreal elements), degradation (descriptions of spaces and people) and the use of humorous expressions. These ways often serve the main themes of the novel; anti-war issue has been used with war and the critique of the old thoughts and the ideas of the society and have made this work more attractive.


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