Lacanian Reading of “The Mental Development of The Subject” in the Story Collection of Mandanipour’s “The Ultramarine Blue”

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.A. Student of Persian Language and Literature, The Scientific Center of Estehban

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


Whereas Lacan's theory of psychoanalysis, as a form of interpretation as well as a theory of language, identity, and subject, has had a profound effect on the literary studies; This study intends to analyze the short water stories of The Ultramarine Blue”as one of the open and interpretable texts in this criticism. The results show that in the darkest parts of the hero’s psyche in Mandanipour's stories, other small objects replace the image of the mother in order to alleviate the pain and suffering of this split, even if it is only temporarily; but these displacements will not heal the wound caused by that split; thus, the subject's search for finding, is ultimately accompanied by failure and depression, and hence all of the stories finish with sadness and despair. This despair is the product of the protagonist's awareness that the values that govern the symbolic system (in a progressive and modern society) are absurd and they are associated with the lack; therefore, it causes them to lose their dignity. They deeply want to return to the first stage, and they want the same union again, and to implement them, they turn to other small objects that fail in all of the cases; thus in these stories Lacan's idea that the subject can never attain that former union has been realized.


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