The Study of Stream of Consciousness in Christophe Simon's Novel Walker Zibinden

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature, Razi University of Kermanshah, Kermanshah, Iran

2 M.A. in Persian Language and Literature, Kurdistan University, Sanandaj, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Ira


Stream of Consciousness is one of the modern storytelling techniques in which the author writes a novel and a story by presenting a raw plot, without linear order, censorship and selection, it consists of the characters' minds and memories. Thus, the technique of Stream of Consciousness of mind has a specific definition that cannot be equated with inner monologue, or any kind of mental narrative that has a narrative order. Therefore, the study of those works that may be in the field of novels and stories of the Stream of Consciousness of mind can be very useful for achieving a correct understanding and the definition of this style of storytelling. Swiss author Christophe Simon's novel Walker Zibinden is one of the stories that has the special narrative features due to its mentality, the lack of linear order, and censorship, etc., which can be an excellent example of using Stream of Consciousness. This research is done by library method and sample analysis, an attempt has been made to show how the components of Stream of Consciousness of the mind in this novel are examined based on the examples from the text of the story. The results of this research indicate that many features of the novel The Stream of Consciousness of mind is in the form of such things as: lack of linear order, dramatic time, ambiguity, the types of free and constrained associations, the omniscient point of view ... clearly appeared in this novel, so much that it can be claimed, this novel is in the group of novels of Stream of Consciousness.


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