The study of Reveler Culture in the Stories of Sadegh Hedayat and Sadegh Chubak

Document Type : Original Article


1 M. A. in Persian Language and Literature, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran


Fictional literature is a kind of literature that is usually narrative in the form of romance, story and short stories and fiction. In this type of literature, the use of creativity and imagination is superior to reality. A large part of current fiction in Iran has been formed on vulgar culture. This kind of literature formed from the constitutional period is a good example for familiarity with influential, typical characters in society, one of the most important of these characters is the reveler, which also has a great role in the stories written in this field and the society had a particular social role and it was respected by most people. In this study, the main question of which reflects the reveler culture in contemporary fiction in order to reflect the role of reveler in some of the stories of Sadegh Hedayat and Sadegh Chubak. We investigate the role of these characters in stories and the authors' effectiveness of these persons by taking into consideration the time period and social conditions that each author to the story design. The results show that not only the culture of reveler plays a significant role in contemporary storytelling, but also the way of life and the personality of reveler have played the important roles in constructing and paying for the elements of character in stories such as Dash Akel, Kaftarbaz and Antri, in which Lutish died.


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