The confluence of Naturalism and “Nihilism” in Sadegh Choubak's Fictional Works

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature, Salman Farsi University of Kazerun, Kazerun, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Salman Farsi University of Kazerun, Kazerun, Iran


Nihilism is the denial and sometimes the whole of life. This idea dates back to ancient times and emerged in the Middle Ages, but it has been reorganized in modern times. Nietzsche, Kafka, and Emil Zola's students at the School of Naturalism paved the way. In today's philosophical and literary naturalism, there are features that overlap with some of the non-authoritarian components and perspectives. Choubak's stories are full of naturalistic mixes and teachings. Naturalism, which has led to a passive inhumanity in Chubak's thought and vision, as it negates society and life, it offers no choice but to go out of this circle of astonishment and confusion. Although naturalism is passive in some respects, it is not necessarily absurd. The question that arises in Sadegh Choubak's work is whether to combine these passive naturalistic aspects with some nihilistic approaches that keep the writer and the reader as spectators. This article is an attempt to represent this intertwining that is sometimes difficult to discern between the two - naturalism and nihilism - in Chubak's works.


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