The Study of the Symphony of the Dead in Greima’s Narretological View

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature, Vali Asr, Rafsanjan University, Rafsanjan, Iran


The main issue of this article is the analysis of the relations and the character’s customs in the Symphony of the Dead by Abbas Marofi. In this article, the actantial model of Greimas has been used. The six main roles, or in the words of Greimas, actans, are retrieved in this narration: sender, receiver, subject, target, assistant, and opposer. According to the results of this research, in the Symphony of the Dead, the sender is interest that is an abstract concept, not an objective person, and the receiver is Aydin, Aydin is subject, purpose: the achievement of art and poetry, supporter: mother, teacher of Aydin Surma and the family of the Mirzaean, and Aydin's uncle; the opposers of action: Father Aydin, and then his brother, and Ayaz, the guard. The result of this study shows that the Greimas model is somewhat useful and effective in analyzing the characters of Symphony of the Dead by Abbas Mariufi. Based on this model, a reader with a clear mindset can follow the relationships and the customs of the characters and some of the features that Grimes consider in the folklore tales, one of the features of this story is the fact that the hero is both the subject and the receiver.


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