Investigating Intertextual Relationships Let's Believe in the Beginning of the Cold Season and Blind Owl

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch

2 M.a of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch


Intertextuality is one of the most common terms in contemporary literary and linguistic theories; according to this approach, there is no independent text; it has an intertextual connection with its earlier and later texts. In this descriptive-analytic study by using the intertextuality approach, the literary connections of two works, Blind Owl by Hedayat and the poem Let's believe in the beginning of the Cold Season by Farokhzad have been analyzed. The results of this study show that there is an intertextual connections between the two texts; in this type of relationship, there are indications for the textual relationship that the reader is aware of the first text (Blind Owl), he is aware of intertextual relationships. Hedayat and Forough are independent artists whose poems originate from within; both of them reflect on their personal self-centeredness, that focused on the "thought of death". The fear of decline has led the two artists to the extremes of despair and, ultimately, to nihilism, causing hatred of the world and of humanity, and ultimately, both artists wish for a window into it, in order to reach their ideal worlds and ethereal love.


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