The Study of Female Face in the Novels, I Will Turn off the Lights and Get Used due to the Social Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Scholar of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of literature and Humanities, Shahr Kord University, Shahr Kord, Iran

2 Assistant Professor Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of literature and Humanities, Shahr Kord University, Shahr Kord, Iran


Social issues have long been considered by poets and writers as one of the most important concerns of every committed person in their society. Women writers have also paid particular attention to the social situation around them, especially to women's issues. In their works, they often focus on women's lives and issues to express their attitudes toward women and their status in society. As a realist writers, Zoya Pirzad has devoted all her efforts to express the details of women's lives and to represent the cultural and social issues in society. The study concluded that social issues such as poverty and exposure were well reflected in these two ways. Some women have a relatively good standing in the family and in society, and they are treated with humiliation and injustice. Women's tendency to social deviation is also higher than men's.


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