Mythical Insights into the Fictional works of Belgheys Soleymani

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of literature and Humanities, University of Gilan, Gilan, Iran

2 Ph.D. in Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of literature and Humanities, University of Gilan, Gilan, Iran


One of the most important literary issues of Iran in the last few decades is the publication of women's novels and stories. This work presents a new situation with a feminist approach and a strong application of female myths. Belgheys Soleymani is one of the women storytellers who has greatly used myths. The present study, with a descriptive-analytical method and a review of all the works of Belgheys Soleymani, seeks to analyze how and what the reasons for reconstruction and recreation of the themes and mythical narratives in the works of this contemporary female author. After brooding upon Belgheys Soleymani’s stories, it was concluded that he used myths and archetypes in a variety of ways, albeit with a social purpose. She has a responsibility to show the unreliability of fictional characters who are copies of her community and to combat the narcissistic culture of patriarchal society, and heralds myths as a means of defending women's identities to express their goals and desires, they have a high frequency of myths such as female bodybuilding, fertility and anima and animus.


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